Phnom Penh: "Let's Talk about Love" is a new Cambodian play on Saturday and Sunday September 15-16, 2007 6.00 PM, Chenla Theater. It is produced by Amrita Performing Arts in collaboration with BHOR Kompong Som and made possible through generous support CARE Cambodia. And I was authorized as a photographer in that event.
Here is the brochure: front_cover and back_cover
Do you remember the first time you fell in love? You might not know it, but that was all because of the trouble maker Cupid! Let's follow the adventures of Cupid and his side kick Valentine as they wreak havoc in Cambodia!
The play captures the hopes and expectation of modern day Cambodian youth, following them from cradle through adulthood as they discover love with its many consequences and pitfalls along the way and how they learn to protect themselves both emotionally and physically. The voyage is both funny and scary; it can be romantic and sad but all of it is part of real life.